Salt solutions
Equipped with Rotronic humidity standards, a suitable calibration device and the HW4 software, it is easy to calibrate and adjust probes on-site at your premises. It is also possible to calibrate and adjust probes with the handheld instrument HP32-A (HW4 software is not necessary).
Calibration devices
Rotronic calibration devices are small, airtight chambers that fit Rotronic probes precisely. The lower part of the device consists of a screw-on lid into which the humidity standard is poured on to an absorbent textile pad. The specified humidity is generated in the calibration device after a stabilization period. High humidity values require a longer stabilization period. The probe can then be calibrated or adjusted by comparison with the reference value of the humidity standard.
Calibration and adjustment of Rotronic probes (third-party probes also possible).
○ Traceable to national standard
○ Ampoules contain unsaturated salt solutions
○ Inexpensive calibration on site
○ Simple and safe use
○ Unlimited lifetime as long as the glass ampoules are kept sealed
○ Practical packs of 5 ampoules of the same humidity value (approx. 0.8 ml per ampoule)