Fluorescence, Phosphorescence, and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy Fluorescence, phosphorescence and photoluminescence occur when a sample is excited by absorbing photons and then emits them with a decay time that is characteristic of the sample environment. Astronomical Imaging Astronomical imaging can be broadly divided into two categories: (1) steady-state imaging, in which long exposures are required to capture ultra-low-light-level objects, and (2) time-resolved photometry, in which integration times range from milliseconds to a few seconds. Bose-Einstein Condensate Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) can be regarded as matter made from matter waves. It is formed when a gas composed of a certain kind of particles, referred to as “bosonic” particles, is cooled very close to absolute zero. Combustion Combustion researchers rely on laser-based optical diagnostic techniques as essential tools in understanding and improving the combustion process. Nanotechnology Nanotechnology helps scientists and engineers create faster electronics as well as ultrastrong and extremely light structural materials. |